Thursday, December 3, 2009

Marketing to Other Cultures

Although color is crucial when it comes to marketing.  There are still things you must look out for.  One in particular is your audience.  Colors have different meanings in other cultures.  
For example, in the U.S white is a color of purity.  This is why brides usually wear white, because it's a virginal symbol.  Now on the other hand white is the color of death in China.  
Now in the U.S black is known for symbolizing death.  This is why almost everyone wears black to a funeral.  
 The color purple symbolizes death in Brazil.  Where as in the U.S it's more a color of dignity, royalty and spirituality.
Yellow symbolizes warmth and sunshine in the U.S.  Yet, in France it symbolizes jealousy and in Greece it symbolizes sadness.
In the U.S we associate green with the color of jealousy because it's the color of money.  
Since there are all of these variations of meanings behind colors you must use the right method to target your audience.  Also you can't always generalize what colors mean to people. This is because sometimes people look at color differently.  It can symbolize different things because of someone's experience with it.
All in all color is crucial when it comes to marketing. You must target your specific audience and decide what color means to them.  

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